Creating Puppets

To Animate

Two journals sit on a world map; one open with a pencil on it, the other closed beneath it. the journals are surrounded by thick spectacles, an old camera and several phoyographs. There are two female figures that appear to be drawn and colored on the open pages. One figure is tall and slim with short hair, while the other is short and stout with longer hair. Both are wearing slacks and a sweater.


    The starting image for this composite is the background travels image from Pixabay. I tried several times to extract only the glasses to use on a face to show greatly enlarged eyes, but I was unable to do that satisfactorily. So instead, I put two of the puppets I have drawn (to animate in Adobe Character Animator on the pages of the open journal. I used filters and texture to make them look more hand-sketched.

All material and images © Marie Rediess, cREEations Photography & Design, Algonac, Mi.

No reproduction allowed without specific written permission.